Welcome text / pic

Hi You!

We are going to start Lapland's start up scene. If there is already one, we wan't to find it, if there is people who want to build it we will help them out! So let's do this together. Our events are mainly open for everyone if there is no limitation mentioned, so just hop in and figure out how you are able to start new adventure. :)

About startups!

Defining startups If startup remains an unknown concept here is somethings that might help! If you already know what we are talking about, that’s great too! Nevertheless it is always important to be on the same page and thus we have here gathered information about startups as we see it. If you like reading a lot, check out the definitions here. On the other hand, the information in a different form can be found on the Thinglink just below!


Jospa startupit eivät ole sinulle vielä tuttuja, täältä löydät jotakin, josta voisi olla hyötyä! Jos taas tiedät, mistä puhutaan, niin good for you! Niin tai näin, on hyvä, että omaamme kaikki saman näkemyksen asiaan, joten olemme keränneet tänne tietoa startupeista. Jos tykkäät lukea, tsekkaa tietoa täältä. Toistaalta, jokseenkin sama tieto löytyy Thinglinkistä tuosta alta:)

Cheers! // Startup Lapland team