Welcome text / pic

Hi You!

We are going to start Lapland's start up scene. If there is already one, we wan't to find it, if there is people who want to build it we will help them out! So let's do this together. Our events are mainly open for everyone if there is no limitation mentioned, so just hop in and figure out how you are able to start new adventure. :)

Sinustako Startup-Yrittäjä?

Startup Lapland vieraili Santaparkissa Sussa on talenttii-koulutusmessuilla, missä projektin jengi herkesi pohtimaan, olisiko heistä startup-yrittäjiksi. Millaisia ajatuksia syntyi Johtavan startup-asiantuntijan, propagandavastaavan ja luovan suunnittelijan kesken? Tsekkaa videosta!

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